About Us
"Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends.
Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies.”

The European-level coupon system
DealShopper is a discount platform and recommendation system, targeting local shoppers as well as domestic and foreign tourists in Europe.
If you are somebody who finds joy in discovering special deals and stores you didn’t know before, you will love what DealShopper offers for you. All you need is to download the mobile application and register to access numerous coupons, discounts and offers. Discover what your location has to offer you in terms of food and drink, events, technical goods, clothing, jewelry, beauty care, health, wellness, sports, accommodation, sightseeing and travelling.
If you are interested in taking a look at our growing collection of deals, you can download the mobile application. It’s available for iOS and Android and it's completely free of charge, without any hidden fees.
Top features

Interest-based recommendations
Enjoy how the recommendation system learns what you like and displays the related deals for you.
Notifications about deals nearby
Get notifications about exceptional deals nearby as you are walking on the street. This way you won't miss any instant deals.
We reward your loyalty! Collect points after your purchases that can be redeemed for further discounts.
Navigation to the store
Don't know where your chosen store is? Nevermind, DealShopper will navigate you there with GPS.

Find what you are looking for
The search is made easy, yet efficient
You can search for deals in categories, but you can also dive in with sorting them by different parameters, such as distance, amount of the discount, ending date, or the price limits.
This way you will certainly find the product or experience you are looking for!
Furthermore, you can rate the deals and the shops, but also you can leave a feedback about your opinion. This can be beneficial for the merchants and useful for the other users who are looking for the best deals.

Get program ideas at home, or plan your holiday
Arrange perfect hangouts in the area you live, or plan your vacations even abroad
If you are looking for an event or a restaurant to meet with your family or friends, DealShopper has plenty of good ideas to help you to make the decision about the destination that will impress your loved ones.
To top that, you can plan your holidays with DealShopper even while you’re at home. You can search for amazing accommodation discounts in many European countries and find activities to your liking, so you would get the most out of your vacation.
You can move around confidently even in foreign cities, because DealShopper is your personal tour guide that show you the way to the chosen store with an integrated navigation system.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answer for your question
Is DealShopper free to use?
DealShopper provides the best offers for customers for completely free. There are no hidden fees involved, nor in-app purchases.
Do I have to buy the discounts in the app to be able to use them?
No, you only pay at the store where you you decided to buy something. The process goes as usual, you can pay with any payment method provided by the merchant. You are not charged with any additional fee for using DealShopper.
What kind of deals do I find in the DealShopper app?
You can find deals for in-store deals, events, accommodations and travels. Our goal is to find partners to fill the application with various quality deals.
Does DealShopper collect information about me?
As all recommendation systems, DealShopper collects information about its users too, in order to provide personalized recommendations. However, it only gives anonymous data about its users to 3rd parties, such as the advertisers in the system. For more information, please see our current Privacy Policy.
Can I get a refund if I am unsatisfied with an offer I bought?
DealShopper Team checks the deals prior they are displayed in the application, so if we spot anything wrong with them, we don’t let them to be published. However, we don’t take responsibility for the services or products that we advertise. If you are unsatisfied with what you payed for, please contact the shop you bought it from. You can also express your opinion by writing a review.
What should I do if the merchants won’t accept the coupon I would like to use, even though it is valid?
If you made sure that the offer is active, offered at the store you are trying to redeem it in and you meet the conditions, but the merchant still refuses for you to use it, please contact us and let us know about the exact address, name of the shop, date, time, and what you have experienced, and we will contact the shop for investigation.
Will my purchase history be vanished if I delete my profile?
Yes, it will be. However, your reviews will still remain.
How is it possible that I see different advertisements than others?
There can be a few possible explanations. Your location is either set differently and the offers that are too far away from you are not displayed, or you have some search options set that narrows down the list of offers. Also if you are under-aged to see some of the advertisements, we won't show them to you.
If you have a question or you would like to share your idea with us, please do not hesitate to write!
11. Kacsa utca
Budapest H-1027 Hungary
+36 1 371-2555